Lets you see what you're shooting, clearly, indoors or out!

Beginning in the early 2000's, compact digital cameras, even fully-featured models capable of producing professional-quality work, often abandoned any sort of optical viewfinder, leaving the open screen as the only option. While some were happy with this, many long-time photographers found it difficult or impossible to properly compose their shots, follow action, or see the needed details to get just the right photo. Bright outdoor lighting, and the need to use reading glasses to see the screen, made things even more difficult.
Since 2009, ClearViewer has produced a compact, folding viewing loupe to fit on cameras, which allows a large, clear view of the screen with the camera up to the eye, and with the aid of the free hand to shade from reflections, is usable in all lighting conditions.
Fortunately for many of us, some manufacturers realized that users of the higher-end compact cameras needed to be able to clearly see what they were shooting, at eye-level and up close, and they began producing viewfinders for some higher-end compacts. While expensive, they did solve the problem for most, though many of our customers still preferred the large, easy-to-see view of the ClearViewer.
But the above, combined with the almost complete switch to using phones for photos, reduced the demand for ClearViewers over time. Limitations produced by the larger screen on phones made producing a ClearViewer to use on phones impractical.
It's no longer a full-time business, and since our stock of lenses and other necessary items would soon require a sizable investment, we have decided it's time to retire the business. It's been a very successful and enjoyable business with the best and most enthusiastic group of customers that I could ever imagine. Our customers have been from all around the world, and we've strived to make them all happy and more than satisfied with our service.
This will give my wife and I a chance to do some traveling without having to worry about the business end of things.
I will leave the contact link open for a while, if any information is needed regarding parts etc., but our stock is low so we won't be able to take new orders. Heartfelt thanks to all of our great customers, it's been a pleasure doing this over the years.
Do you Miss that Viewfinder?